Treating Yeast Infections in Dogs

Itchy skin, odor, bald patches, scaly skin, head shaking, and ear infections may indicate a yeast infection.


Vets use skin scrapings, tape preps, blood tests to check for an overgrowth of yeast on your dog's skin.


Antifungal and antiseborrheic shampoos can treat yeast on the skin and reduce symptoms.

 Medicated Baths   

Antifungal pills treat infection internally. Oral ketoconazole or itraconazole may be prescribed.

Oral Medication

Miconazole, clotrimazole creams kill yeast on the skin. Apply to affected areas. 

Topical Creams

Apple cider vinegar rinses may have anti-fungal properties. Always dilute before applying to skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Probiotic supplements promote healthy gut flora to prevent yeast overgrowth. Ask your vet for a recommendation.


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