How Canines Save Human Lives

Profile of search and rescue dogs who find missing people after disasters. Examples - Piper the border collie who found a man buried in rubble after an earthquake. 

Rescue Dogs

Guide dogs empower blind people to navigate the world. Famous guide dogs like Roselle who led her owner down 70+ flights of stairs during 9/11.

Guide Dogs 

Dogs who can sense oncoming seizures and warn their owners. Focus on the special bond these dogs form with people who have epilepsy.

Seizure Alert Dogs

Trained dogs provide comfort and calm to veterans and others with PTSD. Examples of dogs diffusing anxiety and panic attacks.

PTSD Service Dogs

Diabetic alert dogs who notify their owner of dangerous blood sugar changes. Also dogs who can smell early signs of cancer and other diseases. 

Medical Alert Dogs

Uplifting summary of all the ways dogs make the world a better place by saving and enriching human lives every day.

Making a Difference

Guide dogs empower blind people to navigate the world. Famous guide dogs like Roselle who led her owner down 70+ flights

Guide Dogs 

Shelter Pet Adoption Myths Debunked