What Makes a Cat a Therapy Animal?

By Ehtesham

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Cats have long held a special place in our hearts as beloved pets and companions. Beyond their roles as our furry friends, some cats also take on a more significant role as therapy animals.

In this article, we will explore what it means for a cat to be a therapy animal, the unique qualities that make them suitable for this role, and the benefits they bring to the lives of those in need.

Therapy Animals

A therapy animal is a specially trained and certified animal that provides comfort, support, and companionship to individuals who are going through challenging times or facing health issues.

These animals play a vital role in various therapeutic settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and rehabilitation centers.

Therapy Animals

While dogs are often more commonly associated with therapy work, cats can also excel in this role. The key is to recognize the unique qualities that make cats well-suited for therapy work.


Calm Demeanor

Cats known for their calm and composed demeanor can have a soothing effect on people who are experiencing stress or anxiety.

Affectionate Nature

Many cats are affectionate and enjoy being petted and held. Their warmth and companionship can provide emotional support to individuals in need.


Cats have a remarkable ability to sense the emotions of those around them. They can often offer comfort without the need for words.

Low Maintenance

Cats are relatively low-maintenance animals, which is advantageous in therapy settings where they need to be reliable and adaptable.

Non-Judgmental Companionship

Cats are non-judgmental companions, which makes them suitable for a wide range of individuals, including those with emotional or psychological challenges.


Reducing Stress

The presence of a cat therapy animal can help reduce stress and anxiety in individuals, leading to improved emotional well-being.

Boosting Mood

Interacting with a friendly and affectionate cat can boost the mood of patients, making them feel happier and more relaxed.

Providing Comfort

Cats offer a unique form of comfort and solace, particularly to those who may be going through difficult times or feeling lonely.

Social Interaction

In some cases, cat therapy can encourage social interaction among individuals in therapy sessions, helping them connect with one another.

Supporting Recovery

Cats can play a role in the recovery process for patients dealing with various health conditions.

Cat Therapy Team

To become a cat therapy team, there are essential steps to follow:

  1. Cat Selection: Choose a cat with the right temperament and disposition for therapy work. Cats must be comfortable around strangers and other animals.
  2. Training: Enroll in a therapy animal training program to ensure that your cat is well-prepared for the role.
  3. Certification: Get your cat certified by a recognized therapy animal organization.
  4. Therapy Sessions: Participate in therapy sessions as a team, making a positive impact on the lives of those you interact with.


Cat therapy is a heartwarming and impactful field that brings comfort, joy, and healing to many people. Cats, with their unique qualities, offer a special form of therapy that complements the more common use of dogs in these roles.

Whether you’re considering cat therapy for yourself or a loved one, it’s essential to recognize the incredible benefits that these feline therapy animals bring to those in need.


Can any cat become a therapy animal?

Not all cats are suitable for therapy work. Cats with the right temperament, socialization, and disposition are better candidates.

What are the most common therapy settings for cats?

Cats can work in various settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and rehabilitation centers.

Do therapy cats require specific training?

Yes, therapy cats should undergo training to ensure they can handle various therapy scenarios and environments.

Is there a certification process for cat therapy animals?

Yes, there are recognized therapy animal organizations that provide certification for both cats and their handlers.

Are there age restrictions for individuals receiving therapy from cats?

Therapy cat programs can cater to people of all ages, from children to the elderly.