Why dogs have whiskers

Whiskers help dogs sense their environment by detecting changes in air currents and vibrations. This can help them avoid obstacles, find food, and navigate in low-light conditions.


Whiskers also help protect dogs' eyes by directing dust and debris away from them.


Dogs may also use their whiskers to communicate with other dogs. For example, they may flatten their whiskers against their cheeks to show submission.


Dog whiskers are an important part of their sensory system and should be kept healthy.


To keep your dog's whiskers healthy, avoid trimming them. You can also brush your dog's whiskers gently with a soft brush to remove any dirt or debris.


If you notice that your dog's whiskers are broken, missing, or falling out, it's important to consult with a veterinarian. There may be an underlying health problem that is causing this.


Dog whiskers are an important part of their sensory system and should be kept healthy. By understanding the importance of dog whiskers and how to keep them healthy, you can help your dog live a happy and healthy life.


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