Top 7 Smartest Dog Breeds

Border Collies are renowned for their exceptional problem-solving abilities and herding skills. They are highly trainable and excel in various canine sports.

Border Collie

Poodles are known for their intelligence and versatility. They excel in obedience training and have been used as performing dogs in circuses.


German Shepherds are not only intelligent but also highly versatile. They are commonly used in police and search and rescue work.

German Shepherd

Golden Retrievers are not only friendly but also smart. They excel in obedience and are often used as therapy and assistance dogs.

Golden Retriever

Dobermans are highly intelligent and loyal. They are often used as guard dogs and excel in obedience training.

Doberman Pinscher

Shetland Sheepdogs are known for their sharp herding instincts and problem-solving abilities. They make great family pets.

Shetland Sheepdog

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