How Veterinarians Diagnose Lumps and Bumps on Dogs

Lumps and bumps on dogs can appear anywhere on the body, and can be any size, shape, or color. Some lumps may be firm, while others may be soft or squishy. Some lumps may be painful, while others may not be.


Veterinarians will typically start by examining the lump or bump physically. They will also ask you questions about your dog's medical history and when you first noticed the lump or bump.


FNA is a common way to diagnose lumps and bumps on dogs. It involves using a thin needle to withdraw a sample of cells from the lump. The cells are then examined under a microscope.


In some cases, a veterinarian may recommend a biopsy to diagnose a lump or bump. A biopsy is a surgical procedure to remove a small sample of tissue from the lump. The tissue sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis.


In addition to FNA and biopsies, veterinarians may also recommend other tests to diagnose lumps and bumps on dogs, such as blood tests, X-rays, and ultrasounds.


The treatment for a lump or bump on a dog will depend on the diagnosis. Some lumps and bumps are benign (non-cancerous) and do not require treatment.


If you find a lump or bump on your dog, it is important to see a veterinarian as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment. Early detection is key to a good prognosis.


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