Here's Why Cats Groom Themselves

Grooming is an instinctual behavior in cats. It dates back to their wild ancestors who groomed to keep clean and reduce scent, aiding in hunting.


Grooming reinforces social bonds. Cats groom each other as a sign of affection, promoting a sense of community and establishing a harmonious group dynamic.

Social Bonding

Grooming aids in temperature regulation. Licking their fur helps distribute natural oils, keeping the coat insulated for warmth or helping cool down in hotter climates.

Temperature Regulation

Cats groom to relieve stress. It acts as a self-soothing mechanism, helping them cope with anxiety or nervousness, providing a sense of comfort.

Stress Relief

Maintaining hygiene is a top priority. Cats meticulously groom to keep their fur clean, removing dirt, debris, and loose hair, preventing matting and skin issues.


Grooming is a form of territory marking. Cats have scent glands in their skin, and when they groom, they leave their unique scent, claiming their space.

Marking Territory

Cats groom their human companions as a sign of trust and affection. Being groomed by a cat is an honor and strengthens the bond between the feline and their owner.

Bonding with Owners

What Does It Mean When a Cat Licks You?