Dogs On Leash: Why They React

Leash reactivity is a common behavior problem in dogs. It is characterized by barking, lunging, or growling at other dogs or people while on a leash.

Leash Reactivity

Some dogs are simply afraid of other dogs or people. This can be due to a number of factors, such as a lack of early socialization or a negative experience.


Anxious dogs are more likely to react on leash. This is because they feel trapped and unable to escape.


Dogs who are frustrated or bored may also react on leash. This is because they are not able to engage in their natural behaviors, such as running and playing.


Puppies who are not properly socialized may be more likely to react on leash because they are unfamiliar with other dogs and people.


In some cases, leash reactivity may be caused by a medical problem, such as pain or thyroid problems.

Medical Problems

Leash reactivity is a common behavior problem in dogs, but it can be managed with proper care and training. If you are concerned about your dog's leash reactivity, talk to your veterinarian or a certified dog behaviorist.


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