Cat 7 Warning Signs They Need Help

Changes in eating habits could signal health issues. A sudden loss or increase in appetite may indicate dental problems, digestive issues, or underlying illnesses.


Unusual behaviors like aggression, excessive hiding, or sudden lethargy may be cries for help. Cats often mask pain, so any noticeable change should be investigated.


Pay attention to litter box habits. Straining, changes in urine or feces, or avoiding the litter box altogether may signify urinary tract issues, constipation, or infections.

Litter Box

Excessive grooming or a lack thereof can indicate stress, skin conditions, or joint pain. Keep an eye on any changes in their grooming routine.


Sudden weight loss or gain may point to health problems. Monitor your cat's weight to detect potential issues early, such as thyroid disorders or diabetes.


Labored breathing, coughing, or wheezing are red flags. Respiratory issues, allergies, or heart problems could be the cause, requiring prompt attention.


Excessive meowing or unusual vocalization may be a cry for help. It could indicate pain, discomfort, or a need for attention. Understanding their communication is crucial.


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